Shellshock Vulnerability - Privilege escalation Nov 20, 2017 pentesting exploits enumeration techniques Shellshock Vulnerability - Privilege escalation In my previous post, we looked at how to exploit the shellshock vulnerability to gain a reverse shell from our vulnerable machine back to the
Creating a malicious mobile app environment - Part 2 of 2 Oct 24, 2017 social engineering mobile security msc project nfc qr codes wifi pineapple android Creating a malicious mobile app environment - Part 2 of 2 In part one we walked through the process of creating the first two phases of the mobile app environment. If you haven't already done so,
Creating a malicious mobile app environment - Part 1 of 2 Oct 13, 2017 social engineering mobile security android msc project wifi pineapple nfc qr codes Creating a malicious mobile app environment - Part 1 of 2 This article (part 1 of 2) is based around my final submission from my MSc project that I completed last year(2016). A lot has
Shellshock Vulnerability Sep 28, 2017 pentesting vulnerabilities exploits Shellshock Vulnerability Given that my first pentesting experience resulted in a discovery of the shellshock vulnerability, I thought I would write an explanation detailing the vulnerability. What
Pentesting Experience Jul 13, 2017 information security oscp pentesting Pentesting Experience In this post, I'm going to give you an overview of how I approached the process of doing a live penetration test for a client.