Bugbounty Tips - Zseano Live Mentoring Series - XSS Jul 1, 2019 web app testing Bug Bounty XSS zseano Bugbounty Tips - Zseano Live Mentoring Series - XSS Over the weekend I participated in @zseanos live stream bug bounty mentoring session in which he created an application for viewers to hack live and
Reflected XSS on driver.grab.com Jun 20, 2019 web app testing enumeration techniques Bug Bounty Reflected XSS on driver.grab.com Thought I would do a quick write up of a small bug that I found late last year (2018). Unfortunately, the bug was considered out
A Beginners guide to Pen Test Reporting Mar 1, 2019 pentesting reporting guide A Beginners guide to Pen Test Reporting With a few exceptions, the majority of books I have read about pen testing treat reporting as an after thought, with a few pages roughly
Hack the Box - Jeeves Walkthrough May 19, 2018 htb walkthrough Hack the Box - Jeeves Walkthrough Interface found via Dirbuster Initial Shell manage jenkins > script console String host=""; int port=
The achievement mindset May 8, 2018 oscp achievement The achievement mindset In this post I want to document how I finally achieved OSCP certification. My journey started in November 2016, finally achieving a pass on my